Morepa ….the best fish oil to take,

What makes Morepa Nutrition Omega-3’s so different from other brands? By now you are no doubt well aware of the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids for your general health. The health food market has been swamped in recent years by an enormous choice of supplements. Numerous manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon with evocative narratives and

By |2020-11-25T09:48:28+00:00September 18th, 2016|All|0 Comments

Constipation and its treatment

Constipation – Symptoms, causes & complications Constipation describes infrequent bowel movement, often with hard, dry stool that is difficult to pass.  It may be associated with bloating, straining and pain.  It is caused by inadequate muscle contraction or over absorption of water.  Constipation is thought to affect approximately 20 per cent of the population.  It can

By |2020-11-25T09:48:28+00:00September 11th, 2016|All|0 Comments

Toxic 10

Hazardous chemicals to avoid in cosmetics and why Parabens These are preservatives used in a wide variety of cosmetics to prevent the growth of microbes. Where found:  Moisturisers, foundations, hair care products and shaving creams.  They are also used as fragrance ingredients but consumers won’t find it listed on the label.  Labels must contain the

By |2020-11-25T09:49:04+00:00September 4th, 2016|All|0 Comments

Back to School…

As winter approaches, we are into that time of year where coughs, colds and flu become a lot more prominent. While some of us may reach the springtime without succombing to some sort of winter illness, most people will catch some sort of winter cold or flu during this time. These conditions may vary from

By |2020-11-25T09:49:07+00:00August 21st, 2016|All|0 Comments

Why is it so important to read drug information leaflets?

Millions of Patients are missing out on a chance to avoid debilitating fractures from weakened bones, researchers say, because they are terrified of exceedingly rare side effects from drugs that can help them. Reports of the drugs’ causing jawbones to rot and thighbones to snap in two, have shaken many osteoporosis patients so much that

By |2020-11-25T09:49:09+00:00July 31st, 2016|All|0 Comments
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