The roles that vitamins C and D play in immunity are particularly well known. Vitamin C has roles in several aspects of immunity, the growth and function of immune cells and antibody production. Vitamin D receptors on immune cells also affect their function. This means that vitamin D profoundly influences your response to infections.

Vitamin C

Generally, vitamin C can help you fight a cold faster or ease your cold symptoms if you were taking it prior to getting sick. As an antioxidant, vitamin C can help reduce inflammation — and lung inflammation is a severe symptom of COVID-19 — which can lead to respiratory distress or even death. So if you’re still healthy, it doesn’t hurt to start taking vitamin C now.

Food sources: broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, cantaloupe, orange, grapefruit, strawberries.

Vitamin D

The primary function of vitamin D is to help your body maintain optimal blood levels of calcium and phosphorous, which you can get through exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, or through supplements and the foods you eat.

Getting enough vitamin D can also protect you from respiratory infections. Vitamin D supplementation is stated to significantly decrease the chance of respiratory tract infections, based on clinical studies published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics.

Food sources: salmon, tuna, sardines, fortified cereals/juices, milk, cheese, egg yolks.